The Liturgy Committee includes Liturgical ministry leaders - Music, Altar Server, Lector, Usher, Youth Ministry, and Church Environment. They meet with the Pastor to coordinate the Liturgy of the Mass for the Liturgical seasons and Feast Days. The committee meets every second Tuesday of the month in the downstairs classroom.
Arturo Ordaz
This ministry cleans and maintains the linen supply for the altar. Once a week, volunteers bring home the purificator and corporal small linens to machine wash and iron. At present, we usually meet after the daily 8:30 am Mass or when convenient. Time dedication: Be willing to devote an hour or so to machine wash and iron a relatively small amount of laundry and place them in the sacristy.
Norma Asprec
Altar Servers: Omar & Feldina Saavedra
It is an honor and a privilege to assist the Priest during the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. We welcome boys and girls from grades 3 through 12 to join our Altar Server Ministry. If you're interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact the office to make arrangements for training.
Es un gran honor y un privilegio asistir al sacerdote durante el santo sacrificio de la Misa. Muchachos y muchachas en los grados del 3 al 12 son bienvenidos para ser parte del ministerio de acólitos. Si estás interesado en ser acólito, por favor, contacta la oficina parroquial para hacer los arreglos para tu formación.
Omar & Feldina — 510-688-7536
Under the direction of the pastor, the main goals of this team ministry is to creatively plan and use art and decor to bring beauty and glory to God's house. We enhance and focus the Liturgy both in Ordinary time and through the Liturgical seasons and Feast days of the Church. The ministry also maintains the holy water fonts, the supply room, and makes sure the plants and arrangements are watered and presentable. Volunteers are needed for drape changes and decorating for liturgical seasons and feast days. Monetary donations, flowers, or plants are greatly appreciated. Please contact the pastor if you would like to help in any way.
Salvador Chahin
This ministry involves proclaiming the Word of God in the Mass. Those who are good at public speaking or have a natural talent of being in front of others should consider this ministry. The lector does not read, but rather proclaims the scripture readings. Commitment is needed to schedule mass times. Persons should attend a preparatory session involving not only basic instruction, but also reflection and catechesis held at the start of the Liturgical seasons of Lent, Advent, and Ordinary time.
English: Beatrice Duarte — Bduarte [at] wafergrind.com
Spanish: Jorge Rubi — jorgerubi [at] me.com
This ministry assists in the distribution of the Body and Blood of our Lord. They are expected to be of good moral character as well as to have a deep devotion to our Eucharistic Lord. Ministers must have the Sacrament of Confirmation. Persons should attend a preparatory session involving not only basic instruction, but also reflection and catechesis. Eucharistic Adoration is encouraged.
English: Beatrice Duarte — Bduarte [at] wafergrind.com
Spanish: Maria Luisa Marquez
As a Eucharistic Minister to the Sick/Homebound/Terminally ill, you act as an extension of the priest to the parish community. Good attributes include commitment, compassion, and an understanding of the needs of the patient. One should be a good listener, provide encouragement, and remind them of the great love God has for them. Workshops are held for training, reflection, and catechesis.
Maria Luisa Marquez
- English Choir: Every Thursday in the Church at 7 pm
- Spanish Choir/Guitars: Every Wednesday in the Church at 7 pm
- Children's Choir: Every Friday at 4 pm in the church
- Hand bell Choir: Easter and Christmas season. Rehearsals usually start 6 weeks before
Music Director: vacant
Email: music [at] corpuschristifremont.org
Carol Zilli, Children’s Choir Director
Email: ed [at] musicforminors2.org
This is a ministry of hospitality making sure that people in the church feel welcomed, are comfortable, and feel a sense of belonging. We guide, coordinate, and assist people when they come to the church, and also help in taking the collections. Training is provided when needed.
English: vacant
Spanish: Refugio Marquez