It is a teaching system that will help you know your faith, your morals and grow your spiritual life. Catholic religious instruction that is taught in the Escuela Pastoral has the approval of Bishop and operates under the authority of the pastor.
Call for Schedule
Blanca E. Perez – (510) 795-6612
Our mission as Jóvenes para Cristo (Young Adults for Christ) is to bring the Good News to all people (Matthew 28, 18-20) by a training process that seeks to be comprehensive, continuous, and systematic, which supports life multicultural community church rooted in reality creating responsible leaders who fight because they live the justice, peace and charity seeking sincere conversion being a living example of Christ in the world today.
Every Thursday from 7 pm to 9 pm in one of the classrooms
Israel Pacindo
A small image of Virgen of Guadulape along with prayers and rosary travels from home to home every week.
Manuel Leon – (510) 579-7733
Our mission is to celebrate the feast of our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12 as a community. We join for the novena prior to her feast day and have fund raisers to have enough funds for the mañanitas.
as needed
The Legion of Mary seeks to lead the people we encounter in our works to a greater knowledge and faith in God and to increase the faith and holiness of our own members through prayer and service to Our Lord. Regular works for the Legion of Mary include door to door evangelization, nursing home visitation, teaching religious education classes, crowd contact and distributing Catholic literature, and more. Active members and auxiliary members (prayer warriors) are always needed.
Flor Barreto – (860) 772-7328
This ministry prays the rosary devotion for the spiritual and temporal needs of our parish, our priest, our Bishop, our Pope, our nation, and that the culture of life will prevail. All attendees to the mass are invited to join. The Rosary begins around 8:05 am, Tuesday through Friday in the church. If you join, you may lead at the appropriate time or just respond in the group.

Every First Friday, Eucharistic Adoration begins with a Benediction after the 8:30 am Mass. One hour commitments are needed from 9 am – 6 pm. Signups ensure the presence of at least two persons at each hour. Adorers are encouraged to bring spiritual reading, do devotions, pray, or just spend time with the Lord in silence. Adoration is also done at the Feast of Corpus Christi. More adorers are always needed.
Carol Zilli – czilli [at] aol.com
Every First Friday there is a Spanish Mass at 7 pm followed by Eucharistic Adoration. Adoradores as a group commit to one hour of adoration in prayer, meditation, and devotions that are proclaimed out loud to the Blessed Sacrament for our sins, for specific intention of the church, from 8 pm to 5 am. One hour on rotation is done in English while the rest are in Spanish. More adoradores are needed to participate in this beautiful devotion in English and Spanish.
- Spanish: Marina Moisa
- English: Cathy Critchfield & Ann Schmidt