Join a ministry!
Your talents and interests can make a difference in our parish.

SAFE Environment Training
Diocesan-wide Program
Training undertaken by all our staff and volunteers to provide a safe environment for people of all ages in our diocese.

Advisory Organizations
Parish Administration & Finance
The advisory organizations in our parish include the Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, and Fundraising ministry.

Social & Services Organizations
Fellowship & Community Outreach
We have several ministries that provide you with the opportunity to socialize with and volunteer alongside your fellow parishioners.

Liturgical Ministries
Worship & Environment
Work with clergy and staff to help plan liturgies and create an environment that provides an atmosphere for prayer and worship. Become a lector or a Eucharistic Minister to the sick.

Prayer & Study
Public and Private Prayer / Study
Grow in your prayer life through the Legion of Mary, rosary ministry, Adoradores, and weekly adoration. Learn more about your faith with Escuela de Pastoral.

Other Ministries
Respect Life, Website Technology, Facilities
Education and understanding of the profound dignity and gift of human life at all stages; Website content management and updates; facilities marketing and rentals.