“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”
Matthew 28:19
Why Faith Formation?
Faith Formation lays a vital spiritual foundation for all Catholics and helps us move forward in our journey to know God and make Him known to others. Corpus Christi Parish provides support for this process for all members of our parish, at all ages and stages of life.
2024-2025 Registration
You may pick up a registration form beginning Sunday, August 4th in the vestibule of the church, after the morning masses. After August 4th, pick up the registration form in the Parish Office.
We will hold registrations for First Communion and Confirmation on August 11th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and August 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Office. We have limited spots available and will register students on a first-come first-served basis.
- Holy Communion — English program: 30 children maximum
- Holy Communion — Spanish program: 45 children maximum
- Confirmation program: 30 children maximum
Please arrive with a copy of your child’s:
- Birth Certificate
- Baptism Certificate
- First Communion Certificate (for confirmation students)
- $100 per child (preferable in a check)
- Registration packet (pick up from the Parish Office before August 11)
First-come, first-served! The number of places is limited for each program. On registration day, the system will be “first-come, first-served” until we complete the maximum number for each program.
You may pick up a registration form from the Parish Office beginning Sunday, August 4th in the vestibule of the church, after the morning masses. After August 4th, parents may pick up the registration form in the Parish Office. Call the Parish Office for more information.
Communion: Your child must be 8 years old by May 2025 for registration. Max age is 11 years old.
Confirmation: Confirmation students must be in high school and at least 14 years old.
Parish Office
(510) 790-3207