Want to be a Parishioner? Curious about our history?
Need a venue for your next event?
Your are welcome here and we are happy to have you!

Register as a Parishioner
For more information about registering as a parishioner at Corpus Christi, pick up a form in the vestibule of the church or contact the parish office. You can also download the registration form and email it to us.

History of Corpus Christi Parish
Established in 1892, Corpus Christi Parish has a long and active history of providing for the spiritual and physical well being of our parishioners. Take a brief walk through our history.

Hall Rental
The Corpus Christi Hall is available for religious and social events, such as quinceañeras and wedding receptions. The facilities has a full kitchen and bathrooms. Contact the Parish office to reserve this space for your next event.