The Community of Corpus Christi is joyful for you and your family as your child receives the Sacrament of Baptism!
"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God." (Luke 18:16)
The birth of a child is a blessing to the family and to the entire Church! Among the many things parents will pass on to their child is a religious faith tradition in the Catholic Church. It is our hope that we will be able to assist them throughout their child's life; but first things first, a child needs to be baptized! Baptism is the gateway to the other sacraments.
If you have a child who needs to be baptized, please read the information below. This should help answer some initial questions you may have. If you have more questions, we will be happy to answer them.
What is required to be baptized at Corpus Christi Church?
At least one parent must be Catholic and both must be open to raising the child in the Catholic Faith.
About Selecting Godparents
The godparents have an opportunity to be important influences in the life of your child. They are to act as examples, true models of living Christianity. Therefore, it is important that they be people who take their faith seriously. For instance, Catholic godparents should be registered at their parish and attend Mass regularly. They should also be accessible to your child. In other words, while it might be nice to honor a relative who lives far away, that person may not be able to fulfill the obligations as a godparent simply because they are not a regular part of your child's life. One should be a man, the other a woman. At least one godparent must be Catholic. If the other is not Catholic, that person must be baptized in Christian denomination (he/she acts only as a witness). Once the baptism has taken place, it is not possible to change the names at a later date.
Needed document
A birth certificate – it is easiest to drop off a copy at the office. A baptismal certificate will be mailed to you.
Call the rectory (510-790-3207, ext. 101) to schedule the baptism and make arrangements. One baptismal preparation class is required. A certificate is given on completion. In general, both parents and godparents should attend.
The customary donation for a baptism is $150. This can be made at the baptismal preparation session or the baptism itself. An honorarium for the deacon or priest celebrating the baptism is not required but appreciated.
For Adult/Older Children Baptism – all inquiries are greatly welcomed and will be forwarded to the pastor.