The Respect Life Ministry at Corpus Christi Parish promotes education and understanding of the profound dignity and gift of human life from the moment of conception through natural death. This ministry is also accomplished through prayer, referrals for help, and sidewalk counseling at the local abortion mill. We participate in the Annual Walk for Life in San Francisco, The Gabriel Project for moms in need, and other life events with other local parishes.
Cathy Layden — cathylayden1016 [at] gmail.com
19th Annual Walk for Life
The 2023 Walk for Life West Coast was on January 21st. For more information about the Walk, visit www.walkforlifewc.com or call 415-658-1793.
The purpose of the Website and Technology Committee is to establish and maintain the parish website. Help is also needed to assess the technological needs of the parish; to design and implement solutions for those needs, and to provide training for the various groups who will interact with these technologies. We are looking for members who have an interest in technology and are comfortable with computers.
office [at] corpuschristifremont.org (office[at]corpuschristifremont[dot]org)
We welcome volunteers to assist in showing the Parish Center to people interested in renting the hall for social and religious events. The Parish Center is located behind the church, equipped with a full kitchen and wet bar and accommodates up to 300 persons. Renting out the Parish Center raises additional funding for the parish. For photos of the hall and more information, see the Hall Rental page on our website.
Church Office – (510) 790-3207 – office [at] corpuschristifremont.org
The Facilities Committee is a group of volunteers who meet as needed and oversee the maintenance of the church, hall, and classrooms to ensure that they are kept in working order and in safe condition. The Facilities Committee also consults with the pastor and finance committee for funding structure projects of the buildings.
Mario Vallejo – (510) 676-4815 – Mariovallejo110 [at] gmail.com