The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Congratulations! The Community of Corpus Christi and the Church rejoice with you!
The decision to marry is a joyful moment for you, your families and the Church. We are happy to be a part of this holy moment of celebration. As one of the Seven Sacraments, Marriage is a blessing in our lives given by God and entered into with hope and prudence. The parish is anxious to help you prepare not only for the wedding day, but for your lifelong marriage commitment.
The marriage of a man and a woman is a symbol of Christ’s love for His Church. Therefore, the exchange of wedding vows takes place in the context of the community. Your family and friends represent all the People of God. Together, we bless you and support you. As a Sacrament, you enter into a covenant with God and each another. From a social perspective, you enter into a contract with society creating the most basic pillar of society, the family. In both, you promise a love to last a lifetime!
Marriage in the Catholic Church also expresses a commitment to the faith and its practice. These months of engagement are an ideal time to reflect on your faith. This may mean a deepening of your relationship with God, or it could mean a fresh start, a renewal of commitment. We encourage you to be sure to spend time in prayer, especially at Sunday Mass, as you enter into the Sacrament of Marriage. May God bless you during these exciting days!
With Best Wishes,
The Community of Corpus Christi Catholic Church
There are some very important requirements to be fulfilled before a wedding takes place.
The parish must be contacted a minimum of six months in advance prior to the wedding.
Parish office: 510 790-3207
This is important because the date must be reserved and all preparation must be complete.
Marriage preparation consists of:
- An introductory meeting to discuss all the requirements.
- Several meetings with the priest or deacon who will witness your wedding.
- Liturgy planning with the priest or deacon.
- The Rehearsal.
It is a lot to cover, so it is important to honor the six month requirement. A year would be better and to your advantage!
Documents Required
We will need the following documents:
- Baptismal certificate (not older than 6 months)
- Confirmation certificate (if confirmed)
- Two witness affidavits (Done in the presence of a priest)
- A civil marriage license from Alameda County
If you have been married before — in any church or before a judge or any other civil authority, even to each other, please let the person taking the initial information know when you call the parish. If you have been married before, you will need to provide these document(s):
- A death certificate of your former spouse, or
- The divorce decree
- A declaration of nullity from the Catholic Church. If either of these is needed, our parish priest will be happy to help you. However, no date for the wedding can be recorded until we are certain both parties are free to marry.
Everyone wants their wedding to be special, and they all are! Because you are asking God’s blessing upon your marriage, the wedding must take place in church, except in extraordinary cases. No wedding can take place outdoors.
All liturgical guidelines are in effect, so your wedding reflects the faith commitment of all involved. Music, décor, gestures, clothing should all be a sign of respect for God and His house.
The best rule for the wedding is to keep it simple. Extravagant numbers of couples for the wedding party is out of place. You must have a Best Man and Maid of Honor. The wedding party and other principal players for your wedding should be at the church 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the wedding.
There is no way to thank God enough for the blessing that comes in marriage. The donations outlined here merely help in supporting the work of Corpus Christi Church.
- $100 down payment to reserve the date.
- Total donation $600 ($100 deposit + $500) for currently registered parishioners or if the immediate family is registered.
- If you are not registered in the parish, the price may be different.
The deposit will go toward the final donation total.
Other fees, such as the PreCana, musician and cantor fees are dealt with directly with those parties. The church donation check should be made out to Corpus Christi Church. It will go directly to the parish and is not retained by the priest or deacon witnessing your wedding. An honorarium for that person is appreciated but optional.
Please bring the following items to the rehearsal:
- The Alameda County Marriage License
- Church donation
- Honorarium for presider
- The Unity Candle (optional)
Many weddings use a photographer or videographer to preserve the happy memories. They should be on time, dressed properly and discreet. Sometimes in trying to preserve the moment (and get that “special shot”) they can ruin the moment by jumping in the aisle, blocking your parents’ view, etc. Please talk to the celebrant about it.
Do ...
- Call the church office to set a date.
- Be on time for meetings, rehearsal and wedding.
- Use flowers conservatively
- No “wedding planners” should interfere with the wedding
- Make sure all planning is complete and details settled before the rehearsal
- Ask your questions and get your answers from the parish staff.
- If someone throws flower pedals, you must have someone to clean them up.
- Flowers can be affixed to the pews with wire or hooks — no tape.
- Make sure you and the wedding party have a bite to eat prior to the ceremony. (It will avoid you or your party from fainting in the middle of the ceremony!)
Don’t ...
- Don’t skip planning meetings or be late
- Absolutely no candy, gum, chewing gum or alcohol in the church. If anyone shows evidence of drinking on the day of the wedding, they will not take part in the day — and that includes the bride or groom. Seriously.
- No runners, flower arches, or wagons for infants... and if we really have to say it — no pets!
- Don’t throw rice or birdseed.
- No cell phones.