Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule

Ash Wednesday

Remember you are dust...

Photo by Ahna Ziegler on Unsplash

This year Ash Wednesday falls on March 5th and it marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. Lent is the time before Easter when we prepare to commemorate Jesus’s Resurrection through prayer, penance, and fasting. It is an opportunity for us to deepen our relationship with God, seek forgiveness for sins, and grow in spiritual discipline.

Begin this penitential season by attending Holy Mass
at Corpus Christi Parish in Fremont
or Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Union City.

March 5 • Ash Wednesday
Mass Schedule

Corpus ChristiCelebrantOur Lady of the RosaryCelebrant
8:30am EnglishFr. Luis6:00am SpanishFr. Carlos
  8:00am BilingualFr. Carlos
12:00pm SpanishFr. Carlos12:00pm EnglishFr. Luis
5:30pm EnglishFr, Carlos5:00pm SpanishFr. Luis
7:00pm SpanishFr. Carlos7:00pm BilingualFr. Luis

Prayer While Receiving Ashes on Ash Wednesday

The priest, deacon, or lay minister, says one of the following prayers as ashes are imposed on the faithful. Your response is “Amen.”

“Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”