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Priest at the altar during Holy Mass

You are cordially invited to our “Support a Seminarian” Dinner on Saturday, October 22, 2022. The dinner is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, St. John Paul II Council, and will be from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm. Cost is $40 per person – $15 children 12 & under. Proceeds from this dinner support our seminarians: Antonio Espinoza, Kurt Meyer, Juan Carlos Ponce, and Eric Ruiz.

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ICF Branch 215 Bingo

ICF (Italian Catholic Federation) Branch 215
invites you to join us for an afternoon of
delectable sweets and hot tasty beverages
(tea, coffee, cider) and BINGO.

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Parish Flea Market Update

“The Parish Flea” was a sure bet this year!

We crossed the finish line with a total well above what we anticipated. The Flea Market pay off was a grand total of $3,018.50.

We could never provide for all the needs of our Parish without the generous support of all our parishioners and the community at large.

Thank you from Missy Kohl, Nadine Mattier, Fran LaTorre and all our many volunteers!

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Escuela de Pastoral

¿Quiere conocer nuestra fe?

El Instituto de Formación para Laicos al Servicio de la Pastoral Parroquial, IFLSPP o Escuela de Pastoral, les invita a participar en formación religiosa, para conocer mejor nuestra fe y participar más conscientemente en la vida sacramental, así como ofrecer un mejor servicio en el ministerio al que sirvamos. Las clases son un día a la semana por un año y se llevan a cabo por Zoom.

Para más información, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial para que te ponga en contacto con la persona encargada.

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How does one become a Catholic?

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, we welcome you and are here to help answer all the questions you might have. Becoming a Catholic is one of life’s most joyful experiences. Let us walk with you as you answer God’s invitation to become part of His family.

What is RCIA?

For adults and children who have reached the age of reason, entry into the Church is governed by the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). What to know more?